I recently purchased and installed a ScanGaugeD (here). This past week I did a bit of driving and had a chance to play with my new toy. I find it very interested to see the data being reported.
One of the really interesting items is fuel mileage. I’m not sure yet how accurate it is but I took two readings.
Note: I apologize for the poor quality of these photos – I was attempting to do too much at once.
The first mileage report is showing 3.3 MPG climbing a hill.
The second report is showing 9999.9 MPG while coasting down a hill.
According to my limited education, one adds the two data points and divides by 2 to get an average. Right??
So, 9999.9 + 3.3 = 10003.2 / 2 = 5001.6 MPG.
That is VERY impressive! I may do more driving this year than I had originally planned!
I find your deductions very humorous! Your next experiment needs to include flat driving!😆
How long have you owned your RV? I am new to all this and love the idea of taking my home with me where I want to go!
I am not retired yet, so I have a LOT of things to consider as well as where I want to live!
I am self employed as a pet sitter in a small town in CA and my income is well below the states idea of poverty, but I was able to raise two boys on the same income years ago. Point being, I do not want to be tied to a S&B. And if I can move to another town/state to earn more, it would be easier to bring my home with me!
I have read that a 5er is better due to problems that may arise with a motorhome. Any sage advice?
I’ve had a motorhome for the last four years?? – time is starting to blur! I’ve had my Dutch Star going on two years.
Yeah, the freedom that an RV brings (in many different ways) is mighty significant! In my opinion, the difference between the various RV options is mostly a matter of preference. For example, if one already has a big truck – getting a trailer of some sort makes sense, if one already has a good toad (Jeep Wrangler, for example) – getting a motorhome makes sense. One exception to that is if you plan to sit in one place for a long while. In that case, a trailer/5er makes good sense as they do not mind sitting still for long periods. There are all sorts of what-if games one can play but many of those scenarios are pretty rare. For me, I like motorhomes, I wanted a basement to store a ton of junk, and I wanted a simple rig to setup/takedown. That last part is fairly significant for me and amounts pushing four buttons to deploy the slides, pushing one button to level the coach, pulling two pins to disconnect the Jeep – very simple and very quick.
The real problem with jumping into an RV is that it is hard to know what you want until you give it a try. It is often a good idea to get something used that has good resale so you can try it out for a year and then move to something that better fits once you’ve learned what matters to you. That’s about what I did by purchasing an old Pace Arrow first – to test the waters and make sure this is really wanted I wanted.
Best of luck to you Karen!!