Twas a wonderful day in the neighborhood today!
However; it has rained every afternoon this week. Just a quick thunderstorm passing thru but I quickly learned to get my hike in before the storm arrived.
Just as I took the following photo… I knew I was in trouble…
I could tell that a wild animal was tracking me – watching my every move – probably thinking about what spices to use on me…
My super-duper senses knew that terror lurked in THIS bush!
I approach slowly, carefully, even circled around a few times.
Because TERROR is my middle name!
Ok… for those that can’t see animals in photos – or at least packs of starving wolves – I have highlighted this wascally creature in wed for you.
Indeed – it was a wascally wabbit. Maybe even THE wascally wabbit!
I gave it a stern talking to about terrorizing old men in the forest and off he went, feelings hurt…
And again, for those that cannot see….
Normally on these little hikes, I am looking… even hoping… for a horde of Amazonian Warriors to attack and make me their slave. I am told they all look like the photo to the right – that reminds me of Kate Beckinsale which is a good thing. By the way, Kate (Beckinsale), if you are reading this, please give me a call and I’ll treat you to coffee or dinner or something!!
Anyway… I’ve not yet seen any Amazon Warriors and have started wondering if they even exist in the Rocky Mountains of North American. A fellow on a forum recently suggested that Hobbits may be more plentiful and need loving as well. So, I have started watching for them.
I’m not exactly sure what a Hobbitses village looks like but I have some ideas. On this little hike, I found several possibilities but no Hobbits…
If these were Hobbit Homes, it seems like they would be awful small.
Having failed to find a Hobbit any where near the Hobbit Houses, I found a little creek bed to walk down for awhile. I always keep my eyes open for gold dust and even big nuggets of gold while doing this cause I know it always shows up along a creek. I learned that watching Gold Rush on the Discovery Channel!
The BIGGEST chunk of GOLD one could hope for!!
I immediately dove across the creek bed to grab it before anyone else could. Sadly, it turned out just to be a large mushroom… err… Hobbit House. And nobody was home there either. I guess that is a double strike…
No gold and no Hobbits…
Oh, finally… the thunder storm dumped enough water today that I should have washed Missy’s backside off and let the rain do the rinsing. Maybe tomorrow.
Oh again… Next week I’ll be back in New Mexico and back to work on Missy. I’ll be getting some much needed “design consultation” and have a shower to install along with a bathroom floor. Maybe a host of other things as well… like a combo clothes washer/dryer, microwave/convection over, new inverter, and on and on and on….
Beautiful pictures…and the Amazon is kinda cute, too!
Thanks! All the hiking around sure has been fun but my feet and fairly unhappy about it.