A cat-lover friend requested some photos of Woody and Buzz. So, here they are, a Woody & Buzz photo bomb…
In order of age (youngest to oldest/most recent). As a reminder, Woody is brown/tan, Buzz is grey. As always, you can click on a photo to view a larger version.
Notice all the room to spare in this little lounging thing in their ‘tower of terror’.
Being woke up by a camera while in an absolutely perfect napping position is so annoying… Yes, those are his hind legs and tail hanging out the back.
A little less space now…
Plastic sacks are a TON of fun!!
A little less space…
Oh goodness! Plastic sacks are SO wonderful!!
Some “me” time – so wonderful!
Finally, some outdoors exploration time! Buzz is the climber, Woody is a bit more nervous/timid.
Oh… some space to stretch out…
And back to the tower of terror. I’m curious to see how much longer they are going to share that space.
The point, of course, is that they are growing fast! They are every bit as energetic and possibly more curious and bold!
Yes, I know, all the photos are of them sleeping (or trying to sleep). I’ve tried taking photos while they are awake but they are always moving so fast they all come out blurry. 🙂
Probably in the “very odd” category, they ALWAYS (unless sleeping) detect me sitting on the toilet and immediately come running. Woody jumps inside my pants (on the floor, around my ankles) and he and Buzz then begin playing. Woody will move slightly which causes the pants to move and Buzz dives on them. I’ve never taken a photo of this, for obvious reasons. I eventually have to remove Woody so I can go about doing others things. After all, one can only sit on the toilet for so long… Probably too much information. 🙂
They are so cute!!
Makes me want a kitten!!
Or two or three!! There is no doubt that, up to this point, they have thoroughly enjoyed each others company. They keep each other warm, play together, sleep together, explore together, even get into trouble together. It’s even pretty neat to see one of them get stuck or in trouble, meow, and the other one comes running to help. So, I’m convinced that two is better than one. 🙂