I cannot begin to adequately express my thanks for all the support that I have received this week – via email and blog comments. You are all amazing people and I appreciate every one of you!
Your comments and emails have kept me going this week. As I have attempted to share – I have no idea what is going on with me but I sure want it to end. I want to be back among family and friends.
My emotional state is still in the dumps. However; I just got some good news and must share.
I have a boat broker lined up to sell the boat (in Martinique) and we are moving the boat onto a mooring ball near his office (in Le Marin) Saturday morning at 9:00 am.
This is huge as it gives me sufficient time to catch a once-a-day ferry back to St. Lucia and get located in a hotel near the airport where…
I have a Wednesday afternoon flight back to St. Louis!
I am so relieved.
Obviously, I will have lots to say about this experience in the near future. Right now, its breath in and breath out – and thank you!!!
So happy that God has answered prayers for a fast relief with the boat and all. Get home and feel BETTER BUT being as it is 20 degrees below actual I would say, soak up some sun, brother, cuz it’s cold. Can’t wait til you get to MO. Still praying all goes well, safe travels, and better emotional well being. I love you, little brother.
We love you!
Remember, you always have options, always. Every fork in the road offers another alternative road to travel. Sometimes they don’t lead to where you might think, but every one will teach you something. Sometimes the lessons are painful, but they are part of what makes us who we are. Time and money invested in things that don’t work out are just part of the tuition of life. In the end the lessons are worth the cost.
It is wonderful to have family and friends to return to, to heal, to regroup. Embrace them, rest a while, and soon the path forward will become clear.
I love that Mike – “tuition of life”!! Thank you!!
Jon, I can tell from these posts that you have some really great friends. Maybe you can take some time to “just be” right now and reconnect but without worrying about the recent past. These things will be sorted out.