In the MASSIVELY HUGE category…
The hangar doors are now working very smoothly and are a push button operation!!
After man-handling them for a few months, this automated operation is really swell!!
Previously, the doors would mostly open to about eye level but then had to be pushed the rest of the way up – ten feet high. I have a long pole that I used for that. Of course, they didn’t make that push “easy” so it was not a particularly elegant task. It did work though…
I hired a local fellow to install two electric overhead door openers and give the doors a good tune up.
He did a great job!!
You probably noticed the openers in the photos from this post.
Yeah… I know… that is an extension cord hanging from the opener – both sides are the same way. I’ll eventually get some electrical ran up to the ceiling and a few outlets installed. For now, I celebrate what IS done!! 🙂
I’d record a video of how nicely the garage doors operate now but I imagine most of you are not nearly as excited by it as I am!! 🙂
My friends tease me that I now need an opener to automate the moving of the center post. Should be possible right? Just some relays, solenoids, electric motors, and so forth!?!?
Sorry… I’m not THAT lazy… yet! 🙂
That’s your garage door it appears. Hanger doors are wide enough for wings. Perhaps it is just camera perspective.
Ahh!! It appears I need to provide a more detailed description of my hangar doors. They are more “interesting” than the norm… 🙂