Surprise!!! I am the proud new owner of a wee property in west central New Mexico.
It is a wonderful place! VERY quiet! Sorta remote (depending on your definition of ‘remote’). Lots of trees. Nobody within sight. The stars are absolutely fantastic!!
I like names and am still searching for the right one for this property. Several folks have offered some really good ideas though.
Where you ask?
Well, it is a bit hard to describe since there are no towns for miles. The easiest way to describe it is as being located between Albuquerque and Phoenix. I know… that’s a bit like saying St. Louis is between Los Angeles and New York… but it is, right?!?
How about 25 miles east of Fence Lake, NM??
It is 5 miles off the nearest paved road, 25 miles from the nearest gas station, and 65-ish miles from the nearest Walmart and/or grocery store. It doesn’t have water, sewer, or power but it does have lots of elk, trees, sunshine, and a nice little volcano. Well… they call it a cinder cone now. It was a volcanic vent/cone but now looks like a hill unless you get on top or see it from the air. Not super tall but tall enough to add some variety to the terrain. Sounds pretty swell, eh?!?
It sits nearly right on top of the continental divide at 7,400′ MSL. Nice and high! It never gets hot but it can get warm. Of course, it can get a bit cool-ish in the winter months. In fact, it can get quiet cool at night during the summer months too! Lucky for me, my home is on wheels.
Well… I’m not entirely sure. I’ve been hankering for a place to call mine for a while. I have no interest in a “house” and certainly no desire to take care of a lawn/yard/garden. I don’t imagine I’ll stay on the property every day of the year – I still enjoy being mobile and doing some traveling with Missy. But a place where I can store junk, walk around in my underwear, dig a hole if I have the urge to do so sounds, and not be with ear or eye or another person sounds pretty good. Maybe the ultimate boondocking spot? Of course, there are always some negatives. Deep down, I know that I’m just searching for “happiness” even though I am fully aware that is a waste of time. Certainly a ‘place’ is not going to bring it. Silly boy – what can I say…
I will admit, the airplane has a tremendous amount to do with this change. Previously living at an airpark spoiled me. Having to travel to the airport/airplane is a nuisance. Living with your airplane is really great. I’ve been able to stay within a short distance of my hanger this winter and that has been nice. However; it still requires a “commute” to get to the hangar. For someone that is used to walking ten steps and thru a door, any more than that seems like a long ways. Those that have lived in this style know that it is more than just the aircraft. It is the shop, the tools, the knick-knacks – all very close – and that makes a big difference when you just need that roll of tape or screwdriver or whatever.
What does that have to do with purchasing property?? Does this property include an airstrip?
No to both. However; I am going to build an airstrip!
Yeah – go ahead and laugh for a bit… I’ll wait.
Ok, with that out of you system…
Yes, building an airstrip is in the future. It will be about 2,500′ long and be a pretty basic dirt airstrip. Don’t think fancy – pavement, lights, fuel pump, terminal building?? Nope – none of the above. Just a dirt strip and a shelter for the aircraft. For those not in the aviation world, this is not uncommon. There is nothing special about the place where small, general aviation aircraft operate. We can land on roads, dirt fields, grass fields, Interstates (twice for me), or whatever else is sufficiently smooth and long. The media would have you believe that airplanes can only land at multi-billion dollar, government operated “airport” facilities (they also tell you than aircraft fall out of the sky when the engine stops). That is simply the media misleading you – again. As I’ve said many other times, stop listening to them. This capability varies by aircraft, of course, some are better suited for small dirt airstrips than others. Some cannot tolerate that type of operation at all. Mine can and I enjoy it so that’s what I am doing! 🙂
It would seem that a few folks picture me with a shovel and a rake building a two-mile long concrete runway.
That’s not how it’s going to be done. Remember… I’m lazy – not dumb! Well… at least not as dumb as I am lazy.
Remember too that recent post about measuring my exact take-off and landing distance at high density altitude? Yeah… that was not a coincidence (as Pete hinted at in the comments!). It was important to know exactly what my aircraft is capable of to know whether or not this was a workable idea.
There are plenty of improvements to be made. Lots of trees mean lots of fallen timber to clean up. A fire ring at the campsite will have to be a priority as there is enough camp fire fuel on the ground to last several years. I had once said that a wood stove in the motorhome was not a good option for heat (lacking a good fuel supply). It seems I now have a fuel supply – at least when parked on the property. Some hiking and mountain bike trails are needed as well. The hill makes for some nice varied terrain. Additionally, there are miles and miles of forest trails in the surrounding area that will take a while to explore. Of course, everyone should have a zip line on their property, right?!?
Who knows where this will go. Like many of my other “experiments”, I may decide this is not for me and move on to another challenge. I won’t know until I try. Unlike a sailboat, for example, the land is unlikely to sink or decrease significantly in value so at least a moderately “safe” experiment. I hate to admit it but I sorta expect to be disappointed. I know what doesn’t bring happiness and this is solidly in that list. So, a few months and I’ll probably be searching for the next dumb thing.
Congrats! Curious – where you are, how is the cell / internet connection? I’m considering similar to what you’re doing once we get our bus going, but since my job is a geek (computer, not circus; not interested in chewing glass) I’ve got to have some sort of ‘good’ tether with technology — as well as letting little kids stream whatever it is they’re streaming.
Thanks Garry! Without some work, there is basically no cellular service here. I have weBoost Connect 4G-X signal booster and have placed the antenna on a temporary 20′ pole (plans for a 30′ or 40′ pole in the works). This setup allows me to pull in a workable Verizon 4G signal. For me, “workable” is what I need to perform my job which doesn’t usually require huge volumes of data or speed. At the moment, I am seeing 6Mbps down and 1Mbps up. I hope that improves a bit when I get the antenna up a bit higher. I tested all of this before committing to purchase. I haven’t tried streaming anything yet but that is generally too data intensive for my plan (even though it is unlimited). I typically chew up close to 20 Gb/month when being a bit conservative.
Sweet! I love that part of the world. How many acres did you buy?
Howdy John! It is 80 acres. Longest airstrip possibility is about 2400′.
Looks like a great purchase to me. I like your ideas for the property.
Thanks Steve! So far the bus boys have enjoyed their exploration and new sights/sounds. They do stick pretty close to Missy though. I keep telling them to watch out for coyotes and the air for raptors. 🙂
Congratuations, Bro! You sound happy ~ and certainly have many happy & challenging hours making your vision come true….and I have no doubt that you will!
My only caution…don’t get too low on groceries or gasoline!! (Maybe a small gardan…or a raised one like you had at Los Lunas isn’t a terrible idea!!)
Question…does UPS deliver?
Ha! Good advice Sis – thanks! Gasoline could be a problem. Groceries not so much – running out for a few weeks might do me some good!! 🙂 No, afraid there is no package delivery of any kind here. I suppose I should get a post office box somewhere nearby. I suspect Dave and Ann would appreciate not having to deal with all my packages.
I have been taking some measurements based on what I see there. It seems there might be enough room for another RV to visit!!
Also, a wood stove in a hanger could be a very pleasant thing!
You may be right Pete! I haven’t had my tape measure out yet but I’ll do some looking to see if I can find some space. 🙂 Problem is that you would need lots of water and a big solar system to survive. Oh wait… you may already be setup! 😉
Congratulations , JD!!! Hope it keeps you happy and it will definitely keep you busy. Love to come visit someday!
Let the adventures continue!
We will come check on you come at Thanksgiving if you don’t contact the family to let us know you have plans. What are the GPS coordinates again, just in case?
Love your adventurous spirit but wish you didn’t have to be quite so alone.
Your most worrisome sister,
🙂 Maybe we should celebrate Thanksgiving in New Mexico this year?!?! 🙂
I’m not alone. The sun and and moon have greeted me every day, the bus boys are here, and there are four cows that pass thru regularly. 🙂
A pole shed and a semi level dirt strip should do fine. Remember to put a white X at each end to keep people and FAA away. That browser might become really useful now.
Indeed – the bowser has been target for this work. The really great thing is that with it, I can easily charge a ‘5 gallon’ landing fee from each aircraft. 🙂