There seem to be very few tasks on this conversion that are small and easy. An example is the weather-stripping around the windows.
It is not obvious so probably worth mentioning, nearly every side window on Missy opens! That is a really cool deal!
Get it?? Windows open – breeze blowing thru – “cool deal”??
The only ones that do not open are the two nearest the front of the coach – the ones with the curved bottom edge that slopes down.
When I drove her home, there were a few whistles and air leaks so I knew it was time to replace the window weather-stripping. I figured I’d just pull off the old weather-stripping and install new. Easy.
Not so…
The old weather-stripping was shot – several years ago. It came out in small pieces and nearly every piece fought to live on. When it was finally out, a good bit of sticky was left behind that needed scrubbed off. Of course, like every other part of this bus. If you clean a small spot, it becomes obvious how dirty the surrounding area is. So, the small cleaning task turned into a big cleaning task. I previously mentioned the cute retiree that did much of that cleaning work here. She was a Godsend!
Once that was all done, I wiped the surface down with alcohol and installed new “Big D” rubber door seal weather-stripping.
I haven’t drove it much or done anything to prove that this has made a difference but the windows sure take a lot more force to close and feel much more “sealed” shut. That has to be a good thing, right???
With all the recent rain there has been no water leaking around these windows!!
Oh wait… there was one spot that MAYBE wasn’t the window but it is very close. I still need to investigate that.
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