I mentioned my toe rail here a couple days ago and then posted a question on the SailNet forums.
The question was: Should the area between the toe rail and hull be sealed or treated in any way? I asked as the previous owner of my boat had sealed this will clear silicone. Silicone is generally a no-no as, at best, it just creates a big mess.
This question caused a little confusion about what area I was talking about so I’ve attached some photos to help explain. I am NOT talking about under the rail. Rather the inboard side of it.
I don’t believe this should be sealed and have removed most of the silicone. Hopefully I have not created a problem by doing this!!
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[…] was not under the rail but rather on the inboard side of the rail. I've added a couple photos to this post on my blog – hopefully that makes it clear. Faster: I did some research on deck flange styles and understand […]