I spent some time the last couple of days modifying my RV-3 to carry my snow skis!
Work is not done yet but it’s coming along nicely. I’m stoked. The thought of flying up to a ski hill, skiing for the day, and being home before dinner time is way too cool.
The long and the short (pun intended) is altering the aft wall of the baggage compartment to allow the skis and poles to poke back into the aft portion of the fuselage. Of course, making it safe and so nothing interferes with the controls (safe) is the highest concern.
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Hi, I was particularly interested in your experiments with a Drift Video camera. I fly an RV4 in the UK and my plan was to use a small bracket on the fibreglass wing tip. The next problem is getting a little camera of decent quality with wireless remote control. This has been a huge struggle! First camera was a Veho Muvi which has a remote. Picture quality was reasonable but not great. Next was an Optio WG1 using an interval timer (only infra red remote and its at the front) but the timer was every 10 seconds and you have no control. Trying to take air to air shots was hopeless because of this lack of control. The newer WG2 has a remote sensor on the back but because it is infra red it might not be any use in sunlight. Camera #3 is a Samsung EV300 which (allegedly) can be controlled by an Android phone… but NOT mine. I bought a Galaxy Y (cheap) and this did not work so I then bought a Galaxy S3 which (hurrah) works. I can now take remote photos and use the zoom. The next day and before I tested it I got sent to the Gulf of Mexico to work. I get back to UK tomorrow so my experiments can resume.
The entire theory was that if I can remove the reflections from inside the cockpit I should end up with better photos plus controlling the aeroplane and the camera at the same time is sometimes a bit fraught.
I was impressed with your photos and I enjoyed your article, inspiring!
best wishes