I made another breakfast flight to the stylish dirt runway at Mountainair, NM and took the following short video in so doing.
I previously mentioned this place in this post. It is a pretty neat little town.
The following two images are my GPS tracks imported into Google Earth. The first is the “going to” track and the second is the “returning home” track. As you can see, I can like to cruise around and see stuff! 🙂
The southernmost portion of my route is over the Abo Canyon and is at the southern end of the Manzano Mountains.
The runway is in fair condition. I don’t really like taking my little Vans RV-3 with 500 x 5 Cleveland wheels and standard size tires onto anything much rougher.
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I’m delighted to see photos taken from the wing of an RV. Please tell me how the camera is mounted. I want to mount one on my RV-4 for a trip over Monument Valley.
Ron Sutton
It has taken me a while but I finally posted the details of my camera mount. I hope it helps. If not, let me know what it is missing please. Monument Valley is a really awesome place – enjoy your trip!!