I’ve been reading FatCyclist.com lately. Fatty (his title) has a bunch of really great thoughts and one that I really, really like is the reason for his blog. As I understand it, he started posting his weight for accountability purposes – to himself and his readers. I think many of the problem that Fatty cites are similar to the problems I have. The sedentry life of a computer guy is tough on the body. Add the fact that I work at home and you have the potential for a real disaster. Don’t get me wrong – working at home is a huge blessing and I love it. What is not great is that I have no motivation to shower in the morning, comb my hair, or brush my teeth. Of course, at some point, the feeling of being totally gross sets it and it all get’s taken care of. Secondly, and maybe worse – food is ALWAYS available. A terrible pattern of grazing starts and before long you realize that you have been eating all day, non-stop. Throw in a few years of emotional misery and it’s gets bad.

Ya – big yuck. I’m 5′ 9″ tall and pretty big boned, athletic-ish kinda guy but that number is still an easy eighty pounds over anything that looks fairly descent on me – probably more like one-hundred. In other words, I am fat.
I am the only one that can fix this situation so that’s what I started to do. I have posted about this a fair number of times in recent months. When my weight loss stalled at 245 pounds a couple months ago, I knew I needed something more. After a lot of brain storming and a few attempts at “exercise”, I settled into cycling and I am LOVING IT!
Sadly, I haven’t lost any weight since I started riding. However; I feel a lot better – I think it is working. I think muscle is being built and fat is being burned. Wanna hear a really gross but major success??
Up until a week or two ago, I could not lay flat on my back on the floor, totally relaxed, put my elbows at my sides, and touch one hand with the other. I CAN NOW!!! It isn’t by much – it started with just barely touching finger tips and is now a bit more. I know, that is gross but it is progress!!
If you see a fat guy out riding a bike, it might be me. Give a little toot or say high – encouragement helps!
… and, to start my accountability, this mornings weight was 247.2 pounds.
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