I’ve never done a Top Ten list, at least not one that I can remember. They are popular with bloggers so I’ll give it a shot.
In no particular order, I offer my Top Ten things NOT to do while dry camping or boondocking in your RV/Motorhome/Trailer. This topic is common on the RV forums – I think it means that new people want to be a good neighbor. This is very encouraging!
- Use a construction site generator. Don’t do it. They are obnoxiously loud. All generators are annoying (yes, even the quiet ones) but the cheap, construction site versions do not even attempt to be quiet. Common courtesy. The ideal solution is add a solar charging system – totally silent power, it is wonderful!!
- Turn on music or TV to outside speaker. If you want to listen to something while outside, there are dozens of options that allow you to do so without forcing everyone in the area to be forced to also listen to it. Believe it or not, most people don’t want to listen to whatever you are listening. Ear buds, Bluetooth headsets, and so forth all work wonderfully. The common response to this is: “I don’t want to wear something over/in my ears.” It would be far easier for you to use a headset than forcing the twenty or more people around you to wear a headset/ear plugs to NOT listen to your noise. Common courtesy.
- Talk on your cell phone in speaker phone mode. Again, most of us don’t need or want to listen to the conversation. There are some really cheap ear bud and headphone options that allow you to have the conversation privately. Common courtesy.
- Let your dog roam around off-leash. You may think it is under “voice control” but in my experience, most dogs are not under anyone’s “voice control” when a cyclist rides by or a rabbit comes near. In keeping with my typical experience, I was attacked by a german shepherd on BLM managed land that was not under the owners control just two days ago while riding my mountain bike. Common courtesy.
- Sit in your camper with all the windows open, TV blaring some sporting event, and you shouting obscenities every thirty seconds because things aren’t going your way. Common courtesy.
- Leave outside lights on all night. Lights are ok when you are actually outside and need them to see well enough to get around or do whatever you are doing. When you go inside/to bed for the evening, turn those lights off please. Many people enjoy sitting out in the dark watching the stars. If you are doing it for “safety”, I’d suggest a bit of research on that subject (it really doesn’t make any difference, whereas a motion activated light does). Common courtesy.
- Drive as fast as you possibly can thru the camping area. This is particularly annoying when it is a dirt road and you cover everyone and everything with a layer of dust. Common courtesy.
- Dump gray water in a camping area. I know, it is just gray water. Nonetheless, it stinks. Common courtesy.
- Shoot firearms anywhere near other campers. Believe it or not, people do it regularly. Please don’t. Common courtesy.
- Throw garbage outside. Litter. This includes cigarette butts. Common courtesy.
Hmm… looking at this list, it appears that common courtesy is the underlying point.
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