While in Blanding, Utah, I did some hiking to the ruins of an Anasazi Indian cliff dwelling.
It is truly fascinating to see where these people lived and to imagine what the area must have looked like with the cliff dwelling in full operation more than a thousand years ago.
The cliff forms a natural protection and the Anasazi appear to have taken excellent advantage of it!
You can see the cliff dwelling construction technique in the following photo. Lots of rocks and mud. It is still quite strong!
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I was just looking at pictures of Petra (while studying Obadiah)…reminds me of that…only Petra looks to be about 100x bigger. 😉
Yes – I would imagine so! The cliff dwelling I visited was a pretty small one. I’ve flown over Pueblo Bonita great house in Chaco Canyon a few times and it is massive – used to be a huge store house and central trading spot for a very large area.
You sure get to see some beautiful things, Jon.
No doubt! I am definitely very blessed and really enjoy seeing all these amazing things!