The sale of my home continues to be a very frustrating experience. This is my third home sale and this one is far and away the most complicated, frustrating, and time consuming.
The bank or underwriter (or someone) hired an appraiser to appraise the value. He did so and now they (the underwriter) is rejecting his work. He submitted an explanation and further details and they continue to reject it. Something about the comps being too far away. I LOVE IT!!!
This reminds me of my professional life. A customer hires an expert in a particular area, he/she completes the task, and the customer then rejects/ignores the advice/information/product. What?? Why would you even bother to waste people’s time? Yes, I know why – it is because they don’t want to believe the information presented and desire a different/better answer. In some cases, this is understandable. A recommendation is given that is very costly or time consuming (thinking millions of dollars) and a second opinion is not necessarily a bad thing. Of course, medicine is an area where a second opinion is often a very wise approach but that is entirely different – remember that doctors are just “practicing” and there are a huge number of variables and personal experience that can affect the advice/recommendation.
Back to the sale of the house, “they” (whoever they are) are now attempting to work with a different underwriter. Of course, this will require another week – so they say. I’m sure in a week they will say the need x more days… and so on. This whole thing started near the end of November (2011) and six weeks later we don’t even have an appraisal that has been accepted. Perhaps this is the craziness that people in the real estate market have been talking about for the last couple years (since the economy took a dump), I dunno. I do know that it is VERY frustrating.
I having been living a “wait until tomorrow” life for a long time – I am growing VERY tired of it.
[…] Remember I told you here that I expected that “they” would require MORE days for the sale of my home? Well, […]