Going back a couple days to finish my trip…
Can a person NOT stop at Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota?
Ya, I suppose one could but after seeing the road signs for a hundred miles or more, it is pretty difficult! 🙂 Plus, I felt obligated to stop and take a look just so I could add it to my list of sites seen.
I pulled into town fairly late on Sunday evening (probably 7 pm) and activity was low. I found several parking lots around Wall Drug but only one that was not marked with “no camping allowed” signs. Hint: it is the one that is just to the west of the store/main street. There is also a semi-truck gravel parking area just beside it (south side) that also does not have the ‘no camping’ signs. I took up residence and before long, three other RV’s had done the same. It was too late to go shopping so I settled in for the night. Nobody disturbed us all night so I guess we weren’t breaking any rules. Whenever I ‘camp’ like this, I do not put the jacks down nor put the slides out. I know some folks do but it just doesn’t feel right to me. Obviously, I do not put out chairs, awnings, or clothes line for laundry either.
Early Monday morning I strolled over to Wall Drug. It is an interesting place, not unlike many of the western tourist attractions, and appeared to have lots of good deals on knick-knacks while I was there. However; I am not a knick-knack collector so my purchases amounted to a whole dollar for three post cards. Since I was shopping at daybreak, some of the shops were not even open yet – this helped to make it a quick tour. Wall Drug has been around for a very long time so there is some interesting history on the walls – it is worth a few minutes to check it out.
Before many folks are even out of bed, I was truckin’ westbound on I-90 again.
I didn’t have far to go. My destination was Box Elder, SD which is where my mail forwarding company, America’s Mailbox, is located. I stopped for fuel at the Flying J in Box Elder and tried a slightly different approach. In the past I have let the fuel nozzle run til it automatically shuts off (full) and watched a couple cups of fuel slosh out and down the size of JBAM. Since there wasn’t too much noise and there were many open fuel islands, I filled the final ten gallons very slowly listening for a change in the sound of the fuel. Doing so allowed me to get more fuel into the tank than I had expected and avoid the ugly mess on the side of my rig! I know diesel foams so I think I was giving the fuel time to settle which is why I got more in that expected.
I was too early for check-in at the America’s Mailbox campground so I parking in the Flying J parking lot for a while and rested. Yes, I know, it was only about 10 AM but it is never too early to rest. 🙂
This sounds like a very nice trip through South Dakota. Everything I’ve ever read about people changing their residence to South Dakota, the process was fast and simple and the people were even nicer. If I were to change residence, South Dakota would be my choice.