This week is the end of a wonderful lifetime. I am sad to see it go.
I am sad about many things. The many years have been truly wonderful and I am thankful for them. There were happy times and sad, care-free times and difficult – I look at them all now as pure joy and I long for them. I did not appreciate the journey as I should have, I was always looking to the destination. That destination will never be reached and I regret that my focus was so ill-chosen. The future does not look bright but I know that is just due to my poor vision. I’m sure it will get better, it must.
For those that can – slow down. Spend time every day focusing on the now. Enjoy every moment with your loved ones. Appreciate them for who they are, stop trying to change them. Stop working so hard to make more money, to have more things, to improve your stead in life. Spend more time with your family because you want to be with them – not because you are supposed to or because they ask. Go out of your way to learn to be more caring, loving, and involved. That trade journal, work you brought home, or TV program will never benefit you like reading a book on being a better husband, wife, or parent. The time spent with your wife and children can never be taken from you; however, it can never be regained once lost. Do not miss the opportunity.
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