That’s right! The oil leak that I mentioned here and here is no longer leaking!
This oil leak seemed to be coming from the right side of Missy’s engine.
The follow up to the second post referenced above is that I eventually learned that the disconnected hose was an air supply. So, certainly not the source of the oil leak (directly) and unlikely that it being disconnected caused any damage. As near as I can understand, that air supply is low pressure and there to “encourage” the flow of oil from the alternator drain and back into the engine oil pan as well as provide a wee bit of cooling air to the internals.
Nonetheless; I remained on the trail of that leak. Eventually I spotted a clear indicator of oil flow coming from the alternator oil drain plug. I found that it was indeed quite loose AND did not have a copper washer under it. A quick trip to the auto parts store remedied that.
I have driven nearly 1000 miles since the copper washer was installed and it seems the oil leak is GONE!!!
One more thing learned… I must admit… tightening the oil drain plug on the alternator was never high on my list of things to check. 🙂
For those that don’t see the humor in that – most alternators do not have an oil drain plug – nor do they contain any oil. 🙂
Yes, this big Delco Remy 50DN alternator is teaching me a great deal!
That is quite a high tech solid built alternator, I enjoyed reading about it. The induction energized armature is something I had never even thought of. Thanks for the entertainment. Congrats on fixing the oil leak also.
I never would have thought about oil in the alternator. I’m glad it’s fixed!