The Burma Mountain Bike Trail is a sweet section of Hilso Trails south east of Gallup, NM. The video below is of a quick ride down the fun section of the trail.
I’ve ridden up this trail before and it is a decent workout but very manageable. Coming down is not like coming down a ski slope but pretty good fun nonetheless.
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[…] Due to the rain last evening, I decided to stick to the more heavily used trails – at least compared to what I was on yesterday. Mud isn’t the end of the world, even for a guy from the desert southwest, but I hate tearing up the trail. Not getting lost, again, was a sub-goal. I rode up to the Hilso Trailhead again and decided to try the Burma Trail – Lost Lake Rim Trail – Turkey Next Trail – Y2K Trail route. Lotso miles! The Burma trail turned out to be a nice ride but was a pretty good workout for me. Note: A video of descending the Burma Trail is here. […]