One of my flying mates is a formal Navy fighter pilot and experienced back country guy. In preparation for some of our backcountry aviation adventures this past year, he advised that I prepare for the worst. This included a survival vest.
I have learned that in many accidents, all that an aviator is able to take from the aircraft is that which they have on their body. I always envision an accident where I comfortably and without injury, crawl out of the wreckage, collect all the things of value, and setup camp or start marching out. Apparently, that is much more of a hollywood vision than reality.
Taking advice from others, I elected to find a well vented fishing vest and equip it myself – turning it into my own aviator survival vest. I bet these can be purchased ready to go but that is not my style. It seems that there are as many styles of these vests as there are stores so you have to look around a bit. I finally found one with lots of mesh and lots of pockets on sale for something around twenty bucks. I wanted it to be as cool to wear as possible so I wasn’t inclined to throw it in the baggage compartment on those hot days.
Once the vest is in hand, what do you put in it? Well, the easy answer is: whatever you need to survive. 🙂
Mine includes the following:
- Energy bars
- Mosquito net
- Waterproof matches
- Magnesium stick and steel
- Small first aid kit
- Space blanket
- Small container of water
- Water purification tablets
- Knife
- Flashlight
- Compass
- Whistle
- Signal mirror
- String
- Parachord
- Sunscreen – Thanks Pete!
- Lip Balm
- QuickClot or some form of blood clotting agent
Some things I’ve seen others carry:
- VHF radio
- Emergency beacon/EPIRB (like a Spot)
A firearm was mentioned in a comment below. I consider this to be on the “required” list of equipment for the situations that I can’t (or don’t want to) imagine.
I’m wondering what others have including in their survival vests?
What items would you add to the above list? Please respond using the comments below – I’d love to hear your thought!
I would add sunscreen and a pistol. Maybe stash a flare in the plane somewhere also. Just a thought.
Excellent Pete! I will add sunscreen and a flare – maybe even some lip balm/protection. I do carry a pistol but not in the vest – that too is worth mentioning.
Double the paracord and ditch string – if possible get paracord rated at 750 lbs (has more of the inner strands). If necessary, you can pull a strand out for places where you would use string.
First aid- make sure kit contains imodium
Fish hooks. If not needed for fishing, can straighten and use for needle
Good quality multi tool. I personally prefer a old Schrade, but my understanding is they don’t make them near the quality of those 15 years ago.