After my White Mesa ride over the weekend, I decided to take Labor Day off – no labor for me. It felt great.
I committed to riding 400 miles in September on one of the popular cycling forums so I figured that I had just better shoot for 20 miles every day. However; a short ride at White Mesa and rest day on Labor Day meant I was already behind schedule… and the month had barely started. Ugh…
Tuesday after Labor Day I hopped on the bike and started riding. I felt remarkably refreshed and was flying. Seriously, I was a little surprised at my energy level and pace. So, I kept going – I explored some new roads and was on top of the world. At the twelve mile point I figured that I had better turn around and head for home and that’s when it hit.
It was now blowing the same direction I HAD been going.
This happened on one other ride and I told myself to remember the feeling – significantly faster pace than normal and no wind noise (when going down wind). I missed all the signs, again.
I’ve read a lot about how much the brain games play a part in cycling. Most of this has been from the very experienced cycling “pros” but I think it also applies to folks like me (noob). My experience, to date, has been that my mind is always working to convince me that that laying around the house is what I really need (more rest) – not two hours on the bike. Or, an hour into the ride that I am tired should probably stop. Nonesense! Getting control of ones brain seems to be the heart of weight loss and reclaiming ones life and health. Anything can be justified – we just have to stop allowing the conversation, that negotiation to even get started. That, for me, is a lot harder to do that to say. These days, I try to stop those thoughts as soon as they start and force myself to think about something else.
Where was I?!?! Oh yes, now pedaling into the wind. Instead of griping and complaining – I told myself that THIS is why I am cycling! EXERCISE! What difference does it make if the wind is blowing? I’m going to pedal into it with as much energy as I was just pealing with it! And that is exactly what I did.
Take control of those negative, unhelpful thoughts!
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